Functional Medicine healing and Coaching

Dr. B...  MD, MPH. 

Occupational and environmental medicine physician with residency training in aerospace, occupational, and environmental medicine.  A skilled physician with over fifteen years of medical experience including service with the US Navy, US Marine Corps with operational deployment to Afghanistan.

Comprehensive functional medicine analysis will give you the root cause education on how YOUR body works and what it can do when we send it the right messages.

Unlock your Energy!

Unlock your Health!

Find out if this program is right for you.

Learn How to Eat to Live!​

How?  Recognize challenge, ask for help, rely on Doc B, have a partner to help unlock the parts of your life that are trapping you.  Provide the key to someone's success. 

When?  Now, for free 10 min consult to see if Doc B is right for you.

Structured for Success!

FEEL and SEE results within the first week.

Learn motivation necessary to change and maintain habits in a lifestyle that guarantees success for a lifetime.

Individualized Coaching

Eastern Alabama     Copyright 2016. Uptagrafft LLC. All rights reserved.

Unlock your Best Self!

Why?  People feel trapped, confined, nearly fated to their state of health.  People surround them say "well, you're just getting old" "get used to it" "Can't do what you used to do"  etc.  So we feel "locked" into our state of health.  For many, this is a frustrating, almost desperate feeling. 

Unlock your Potential!

What?  Lock refers to rigid, trapped, confined, destined, fated, supposed to be, has to be.  Unlock, of course, is the release of that state of mind/body.

Welcome to TJ B..., MD, MPH website.  Call me Doc B.  I built my practice to help unlock your best self...  I've served in the United States Navy for over 20 years and developed programs to get sailors and marines ready for battle on the ground, over the seas, and in aerospace.  Now my calling is to serve you by developing a program specific to you to unlock your best self.  

Where?  Online (in an email) or on phone. ​​